TRZ Year in Review 2020 - Out of Touch
CB: I first started writing this song in 2016, and it was very different; much more of a goofy bloopy synth pop song. I got bored, didn’t touch it for almost 4 years, then picked it up again and finished in a couple days. And that my friends, is the Mystique of Songwriting.
This song is about starting a new relationship and kind of being in the “What Are We” limbo stage. My girlfriend and I had just met, but she had to leave the state to be with family for a few weeks. And at that point everything feels a bit more fragile, like if we were to have one small fight, or if I were to say one wrong thing, it’s over. So although this song is NOT about the pandemic, some of the same themes certainly apply. It’s harder to maintain relationships via the internet, and it’s easier for feelings (good or bad) to get blown out of proportion.
This song is so fun to play live and can’t wait till we can do it for a real audience. Idk if we have many moshing songs, but I think the final chorus qualifies.
We also had a lot of fun shooting this video! Check out some behind the scenes gaffes and goofs below: