TRZ Year in Review 2020 - Zombie
CB: The song initially came about from me just messing around with an organ sound on a cheap Yamaha keyboard. I knew I had the perfect chords for a spooky song, so the rest of the instrumental came pretty easily.
I wrote about a time when I was feeling totally burnt out - mentally, physically, emotionally. All of which was compounded by the terrible midwestern winter cycle of: wake up: it’s dark, go to work, come home: still dark. Going through the motions and living very mindlessly, like a – you guessed it – Zombie. I also tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to be productive every day. So even if I was coming home from work exhausted, there would be that nagging voice telling me I don’t “deserve” to rest yet because there’s still more to be done.
Jord: I wrote the bridge from a very different perspective of being a ‘Zombie.’ As opposed to CB’s metaphor of being worn out by societal pressures & staying productive, my ‘Zombie’ is a sense of dissociation stemming from the mundanities of everyday life. It can come to a point where you are numb & nothing can make you feel excited or ‘awake.’