The Real Zebos – "Omaha's Sweethearts" – Official Band Photos (Volume 01)
The fact of the matter is, if you google search “the real zebos,” there aren’t nearly enough photos out there of all of us looking cool and handsome together. It’s too many old pics and ugly gig flyers that I didn’t make. That’s about to change.
Recently we linked up with friend and photographer James Dean – no, not that James Dean (if you’re thinking of the dead actor), but yes that James Dean (if you’re thinking of the Lincoln, NE photographer). You can check out his work at
James took a lot of great photos of us looking cool and handsome, and I’ll share some below. I’m using the words “cool” and “handsome” a lot so that we will also show up as a result when someone googles “cool band” or “the real zebos handsome pics” or “omaha’s sweethearts” or “omaha’s hottest young band the real zebos,” etc.
Hot young Omaha band The Real Zebos looking cool and casual in a stairwell. The stairwell is a tried and true band photo tactic. And for good reason.
“Omaha’s Sweethearts” The Real Zebos looking very unamused with the colorful confetti all over their shoulders and floor. That’s going to be a lot to clean up, folks. Good thing The Real Zebos are the best band in Nebraska at handling push brooms.
The popular Omaha, NE-based band, The Real Zebos are pictured here, having a bit of fun in a fluffy white bed. Drummer Logan Swander gazes longingly in the distance. Co-Frontman Jordan Gaul gently strangles Guitarist Jake Strange. Co-Frontman Connor Brandt is caught pre-smolder. Bassist George Cooper is there, too.
The Real Zebos, also known as “TRZ” as well as “Omaha’s Sweethearts” – seen here on a smooth velvet couch, perhaps watching television or waiting for the dentist.
Here we catch The Real Zebos looking suave and stoic. Family portrait style. They probably were forced to hold this pose for a solid 6 hours.
Okay, that should do it. Thank you for viewing this selection of official The Real Zebos band photos. Feel free to share them all over the internet, or print them off for your bedroom wall, or make a fake “MISSING” poster that says something like “LOST: OMAHA’S HOTTEST YOUNG INDIE ROCK BAND, THE REAL ZEBOS. REWARD: $1,000,000”